You will use this Word Document and perform the tasks below.
Use this Word Document and make the following changes to it:
- Put a page numbers in the bottom
- Show the use of 3 different font colors anywhere in the document (including black)
- Highlighting two words in yellow
- Add a strikethrough to this line
- Create a TABLE of your top three favorite foods, television shows, and internet sites a) Once the table is complete make the lines on the inside of the table invisible so that only the outer box (table border) remains
- Create a graph (Chart) that is labeled and easy to understand.
- Use data from one of these websites:
- Remove all of the hyperlinks above but hyperlink the site you use underneath the table
- You do NOT have to use all the data, use a portion that makes sense to you. You MUST label the graph so it makes sense – so the reader knows what the graph is of.
- Create a comment on this sentence that includes with your name from the Review Tab
- Change the spacing to single
- Insert a shape somewhere on one of the pages and put your name in it
- Insert SmartArt and add some text about yourself in it
- Insert a footnote or endnote anywhere in the document and for the text in the footnote or endnote – list first name and last name
A Word document with the above tasks completed and submitted to Sakai.