This assignment is all about how the internet works. This week's module contained many videos and sites that described how the internet works - now I want you to tell me how it works using your own words and methods.
Using the information provided in the course module this week, describe to me how the internet works in your own words. I want you to include one or more of the following:
Any combination of the above will work to complete the assignment. For example, you can choose to diagram your assignment only, write a paper only without a diagram, or have both a paper and a diagram. Your method is up to you and how you feel you will best convey the information. I am not judging you on your artistic performance if you choose to draw a diagram. Please keep in mind that I am not looking for an IT/Expert level of description for your assignment. I am looking for how well you understand the key terms outlined in the module. I describe technology to numerous people in my current professon and one thing that helps me is to imagine I am describing these technical processes to my mom and dad or a friend who has a computer problem. This helps me with the stress of describing something IT-related, which might be helpful for you when writing and or diagramming this assignment.
DO NOT do the following:
Submit your paper, pictures, or other representation of how the internet works to the assignment link on Sakai.
DO NOT email me this assignment, or any future assignment, in this course.