You will go to the website and sign up for "Introduction to HTML" and complete ALL of the following lessons:
To show that you have completed these lessons, you will be required to submit screen shots with your username and completion status. There is no paper required for this assignment.
Once you have created an account and logged into Code Academy, find lesson: Introduction to HTML. Start this lesson. Do NOT pay for anything - the requirements of this assignment are for the free parts only. Here are some images to show you what to look for:
I need to know 1) That you completed the required sections and 2) That it was YOU who completed the lessons. I need a screen shot or pdf of your completion progress and that it is from your account. You might need to submit more than one file to make this happen, which is perfectly fine. If you need software to make a screen shot, I suggest Jing, a free application I used to make the screen shots for this course.