Google Drive and Related Apps

General Description

This week's assignment involves using Google Drive to create a folder, save a Word file in this folder, convert it to pdf, and then share it with me.


Using the Google account you created in Week 1 of this course, go to your Google Drive and do the following:

  1. Create a Google Doc and label it with your first and last name.
  2. Create a Google Sheet and label it with your last name. Type in one list of your favorite books, magazines, vacation spots, television shows, movies, or websites.
  3. Create a Google Slides file and label it with your last name and add two slides and add a background design to both slides.

If you run into issues with creating any of these documents, you can access the Google Help websites, which are very user-friendly. Here is a link to these help pages:

Google Docs

Google Sheets

Google Slides

When you are finished adding these three files to the folder in your drive, share the folder with me using the URL. You will submit the URL to me over Sakai and need to change the permissions so I can access it (


A URL submitted to Sakai that links to your Google Drive Folder containing the three files described above.