RECR 200 - Week 14

Week 14



This week's topic is HTML and CSS, which is a large part of what I do at my current job. There are numerous online resources that I used to learn code and I want to show these to you for this assignment and if you think you might be interested in learning code, web development, app development, software development, or simlar profession. I am self-taught and I have met other self-taught technologists and the really great part is that it is usually free to teach yourself. The main constraint of teaching yourself is scheduling regular time to learn and create projects.

Here are a few sites I like to visit when I am looking to answer a question or learn something new:

Stack Overflow

Code Academy

W3 Schools

Git Hub



Getting Started with HTML

I am hoping by this time you have watched most of the videos that I posted the week before Thanksgiving. If you have not then you are going to have a busy week with this class. If you have not watched the videos, go back to week 12 and watch them to get an overview of what I will be requiring you to do for your assignment.

One of the other most important things you will need for this week is a text editor. I prefer sublime text, but any text editor will work and yeild the same exact result -- no pressure to use Sublime. I also need to warn you not to use Microsoft Word or similar programs to write your code. I will spare you the details but here is the tl;dr version: Microsoft Word creates .docx files and the x means "xml" which is a programming language. That code operates in the background unless you are developing a web page and copy and paste the code to a different program. You will see a lot of junk code that will be confusing and make your assignment difficult. Here is an article that describes the problem with MS Word in more detail. I posted additional information about text editors in Week 12 if you need to review the information. Once you have a text editor you will be able to do your assignment and can actually follow along in the videos I posted to complete the requirements.

So Why Are You Doing This?

You might be wondering why this is an assignment in this class and there are many reasons. I find that every organization I have worked with has needed a website, revisions to a site, to fix a problem on a website, or ideas to overhaul functionality of a site. In my professional experience, I found I was the only one who knew how to build a basic site and volunteered to help even though my main job description was to teach recreation and sport. You might be in a simlar situation and be in charge of working with the company's website and you will have this foundational information to get started. I find the web development skillset to be helpful for these reasons and it might make you stand out at an organization where you are trying to build your reputation.

Now you have some work to do this week so go out and create!