Final Project



NOTE: Late Paper Requests or Submissions Will Not Be Accepted for The Final Project. Grades are due almost immediately after the finals week has wrapped up and I need time to evaluate all projects and report final grades.


Now that we have covered all the topics for this course and we are off to the final project, this is a good space to recap the major themes that have been covered since Week 1.

Major Themes

The major themes we covered in this class are:

  • Personality inventories and the relationship to leadership and personality type
  • Current issues and trends in leadership
  • Leadership theories
  • Psychology and leadership
  • Professional communication
  • Managing conflict
  • Leadership in groups
  • Diversity and leadership
  • Ethics of leadership
  • Evaluation of people as a leader

Hopefully one of these themes/weekly topics stood out to you as you read the course material this term. What I want for you to do is to look through your readings, assignments, quiz question answers (which will be available to you on Sakai), and other course materials to see if you found one of these themes/weekly topics particularly insightful. For example, I find that personality style and leadership to be particularly interesting. There are specific readings that relate to personality and leadership style that have been assigned throughout the term and there are quiz questions and other assignments that have overlap into this theme as well.

What I want you to do is to pick a theme/weekly topic from this semester and consolidate all of the work you have done on this topic throughout the term. I want you to compile these as parts to a portfolio and not a formal written paper. Specifically, gather the files together as if you are a leader presenting to a group, and tie them together with a narrative. It is not enough to just have the pieces that you have already written and a list of readings/files, I need you to show how they connect and why you chose them. If your portfolio looks like a copy and paste portfolio without any additional work, the best grade you will receive is a 70% The goal of this class was to have you personally reflect on your own leadership style, review ideas on how one can be an effective leader, and give you something that you can use in your professional life after this course. I am hoping this can be a portfolio you can share on an intership or job interview, or something you can share with your future colleagues. This is for a grade in this class but my hope is that it's something that you can take with you and find useful.

The medium that I would like you to create your portfolio is online through either 1) Google Sites, 2) Wix, 3) Weebly. You are welcome to use a similar resource not listed but it has to have simlar functionality and it cannot be your Facebook, LinkedIn, or simliar social media type of page. Each of these resources I have listed has a free option and you do not need to purchase anything to complete this project. These website tooks are quite easy to use and do not require that you learn how to code or work with servers. They are very similar to using a text editor in your email or Sakai. If you need help using any of this technology, there are many resources available on YouTube as well as each of the web pages that I have linked.

Overall Considerations:

Avoid excessive cat or animal meme photos, funny Facebook photos, odd photos from your Instagram account, and other photos that you would not want to show a future employer.

Readable color scheme and font. Try to use an easy to read sanserif font like Arial and a color that does not glow like a nuclear bomb went off on your page (ex: no red text on a blue background). Additionally, do not use tiny fonts. The lowest font size on your page should be 10.


  • Create a main page in your chosen site that is entitled something like “(Your Name) and Leadership Portfolio”
  • On the first page, you should include your name and any other identifiable information you feel comfortable sharing with the public (most of these technological resources will only allow for public availability so use your own discrescion regarding the information that you share).
  • Include an introductory paragraph about yourself. Here are some elements to include in this summary:
    • A summary of your leadership style.
    • Your professional qualifications in recreation, sport, coaching, or related fields
    • Any other information that seems relevant.

PAGES 2 and beyond

Using the theme you have selected, add additional pages to your online leadership portfolio. These pages should have something that makes them cohesive, such as, a sub-theme, a particular caveat you want to share, or other relevant information. Specifically, if I chose to use personality and leadership as my theme, page 1 would be an analysis of my own personality, page 2 could be a summary of research presented in the class regarding this topic, and page 3 could be something about how it relates to a different topic, such as psychology of leadership. I would use snippets from my papers, quizzes, and other course material to build out these pages.

Please note that you should have at least four pages to your site including the introductory page. You are always welcome to have more. Additionally, if you are looking for images to spice up your site, I suggest using Unsplash free images. I use this site weekly in my design and technology work because the images are free to use and have few copyright restrictions.


The link to your site submitted on Sakai. IMPORTANT NOTE: Please make sure your permissions settings allow for me to view your site! Google Sites will require that you give me permission to see your site.